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Red Assed Lap Dancing Volume 17 OTK Spanking Video

If you’re unfa­mil­iar with this video series, please read my intro and Vol­ume 7 spank­ing video review.

With Vol­ume 17, we have a bit of fun. The first seg­ment fea­tures Lena and Misty together. The web site gives us no story line, and places Kristalee as the first seg­ment rather than the third. Greg depends on an out­side review, for us to learn what the video’s about. Per­haps Greg made a last-​​minute deci­sion to put Kristalee at the end. If so, he made a good decision!

As Vol­ume 17 opens, we have two mod­els arriv­ing together, with atti­tudes. It’s really tough to blame them, since the dump is every bit as sleazy as they say it is. They do their danc­ing bit; “our man” steps into the other room so that they can take his wal­let and make a run for it.

The rest of the “set up” is so poorly done that it’s almost cool. While we’re out­side the door lis­ten­ing to the strange bumps and protests of bat­tle, the feisty red­head is tied to a chair. We’re then allowed back inside to see her wrists and ankles tied to the chair, with gag in her mouth. (more…)

Red Assed Lap Dancing Volume 16 OTK Spanking Video

If you’re unfa­mil­iar with this video series, please read my intro and Vol­ume 7 spank­ing video review.

Chas­tised Bimbos

Chanta Rose

Vol­ume 16 is eas­ily my favorite of the four I’ve seen. For each of the three seg­ments, I would say “buy it” just for that one seg­ment. Just pay full price like I did, and you get all three segments!

Chanta Rose has (to an Amer­i­can ear) a delight­ful accent, and her role exactly matches. Greg seems to have hit upon a for­mula that works… Invit­ing top fash­ion mod­els to a no-​​budget motel for a video shoot. They cop an atti­tude, and he spanks them. If you’re in love with fash­ion, you can visit these web­sites at 레플리카. You’ll love this one.

For any­one look­ing to ele­vate their fash­ion events, con­sider explor­ing https://​av​-hire​.uk/​f​a​s​h​i​o​n​-​s​h​o​w​-​a​v​-​h​i​re/ for top-​​notch AV hire ser­vices. Chanta Rose does the atti­tude per­fectly. Nor is she stu­pid. She knows what it means to be bot­tom up across a man’s lap, regard­less of the pretext.

She keeps the con­ver­sa­tion going through­out her spank­ing, even with tears drip­ping off her nose. No trash mouth; she actu­ally has a vocab­u­lary. She’s a plea­sure to watch. (more…)

Red Assed Lap Dancing Volume 15 OTK Spanking Video

If you’re unfa­mil­iar with this video series, please read my intro and Vol­ume 7 spank­ing video review.

Now that I’ve watched sev­eral of the Red Hot Video series, I see a num­ber of ele­ments which remain the same. Does that make them bor­ing? Not hardly! In fact, the more I see, the more I hope I man­age to col­lect all of the tapes in the series.


It’s rain­ing. Enter Shauna, com­plain­ing but game. She’s a chesty blonde. She’s worth tak­ing a sec­ond look at, and undoubt­edly knows it.

We cut straight to the lingerie-​​modeling seg­ment. Oops, let me revise my descrip­tion: very chesty, with a pleas­ing voice.

Here’s the basic premise: A model shows up for the lin­gerie shoot. It’s a sleazy motel room, tacky, wires every­where. Often as not it’s rain­ing or snow­ing. The model has a bad atti­tude as a result, and usu­ally does a poor mod­el­ing job. Then she gets spanked.

Shauna does a bet­ter than usual job. That’s not say­ing a whole lot, but… who cares? (more…)

Red Assed Lap Dancing Volume 14 OTK Spanking Video

If you’re unfa­mil­iar with this video series, please read my intro and Vol­ume 7 spank­ing video review.

Meaty Beaty & Bouncy

Tan­ger­ine Dream

Hi Guys. I’m Tan­ger­ine Dream and I hope you like this video.”

We have an exotic dancer, rather than a model. Our Man gets his dance, and lap dance too. As I explained in the Vol­ume 7 spank­ing video review, this doesn’t do a thing for me.

Over the lap she goes. The eaves­drop­ping blonde arrives outside.

She holds her posi­tion well, even though it obvi­ously hurts. This woman is dis­ci­plined. (more…)

Red Assed Lap Dancing Volume 13 OTK Spanking Video

If you’re unfa­mil­iar with this video series, please read my intro and Vol­ume 7 spank­ing video review.

Accord­ing to the offi­cial story line, Bri­anna is an air­head blonde bimbo. She sup­pos­edly once blew off an entire day of high pay­ing mod­el­ing assignments.

How­ever, the offi­cial story line has noth­ing to do with the actual video! The video is rather bet­ter than the descrip­tion led me to believe.

Within the first three sec­onds of the video, we know why Brianna’s going to be spanked. It’s because she des­per­ately needs an atti­tude adjust­ment. She does such an out­stand­ing job of por­tray­ing the atti­tude, that you just have to believe “atti­tude” comes nat­u­rally to her. There’s no doubt that Greg is per­form­ing a pub­lic ser­vice to all mankind.

Brianna’s act­ing isn’t all that great, but so what? So long as she’s allowed to just be her­self, she is great. For­tu­nately, “our man” soon gets down to busi­ness, and no fur­ther act­ing abil­ity is required. The lin­gerie seg­ment before­hand is a short but deli­cious setup of the story line.

Bri­anna has a very dis­tinct being-​​spanked style. She’s noisy, and flails her arm to pound our man’s leg (or what­ever else is in reach) in time to the smacks land­ing on her ass. (more…)

Red Assed Lap Dancing Volume 11 OTK Spanking Video

If you’re unfa­mil­iar with this video series, please read my intro and Vol­ume 7 spank­ing video review.


Yes indeed, here’s Brandi. “All right, let’s get this over with.” She does her thing, and moments later, con­tin­ues with “Now what?”

Our Man pro­nounces a truly bril­liant idea. Well, at least, he talks as if it’s a bril­liant one: “Try some­thing else on.”

Turn that thing off while I’m chang­ing,” storms Brandi. Fade to black.

I can’t believe…” but she’s over Our Man’s lap by now. Let the show begin!

Brandi wig­gles around his lap from the start. This is a great spank­ing, nice reac­tions. (more…)

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