Red Hot Video 10: Hot Crossed Buns

This is one of the older Red Hot Videos, pub­lished 2005:


It’s one of the few with two con­nected seg­ments. As such I find it delightful!

We begin with Natalya, age 22, together with Azu­ray age 20. Azu­ray is clearly the adult of the two.

The final seg­ment is Valerie, age 29, a lin­gerie model who receives one of the hard­est and most intense spank­ings ever filmed by Red Hot Video.


Bun Beating Fun: Holly

Holly” is an over-​​the-​​top porn star. In the first minute of the video there’s no ques­tion that this will be tiresome.

Then we see her, from behind, walk­ing up the stairs to the motel room for the photo shoot. Okay, now we know why this will be inter­est­ing.

Sure enough, the photo shoot is tire­some. She’s show­ing off, fin­ger­ing her­self and licking/​sucking her fin­ger. That’s not why she’s there, but it’s obvi­ously the only thing she knows how to do. We can safely assume she does it well.

Fuckin ass­hole… no idea who I am.”

Here’s what I want to do. I want you to hold your breath, and for one whole minute pre­tend you’re a REAL model.”

She does a move, and asks “Is this what you want for your pri­vate col­lec­tion, you sick fuck?”

Ah, the chem­istry is there. This WILL be good. Here comes the speech, the ear grab, and over the lap she goes.


Bun Beating Fun: Laci Star

Laci Star” is the third of a three-​​part series by Bun Beat­ing Fun. You’d never know there was an actual plot car­ried through the three scenes; there is no indi­ca­tion in the video descrip­tions on the web site. All three are long, hard, bare bot­tom spank­ings with a spe­cific pur­pose (thus the plot line).

We opened with “Arial Adore” arriv­ing with an atti­tude. She’s soon had enough of the bogus photo shoot. She calls her agent, “Vivian,” and demands Vivian drop every­thing and come check up on this “bull­shit” operation.

Arial Adore receives a long, hard, bare bot­tom spank­ing. Once she’s stand­ing against the wall, nude with angry red bot­tom on dis­play, Vivian arrives to check up on this “chicken shit operation.”

Vivian expe­ri­ences the oper­a­tion for her­self. “It’s called a spank­ing. A bit of behav­ior mod­i­fi­ca­tion.” Vivian cre­ates a wholly dif­fer­ent atmos­phere from Arial, object­ing at the top of her lungs but remain­ing in place.

After Vivian too has had her time at the wall, sore bot­tom and thighs on dis­play, she is across Our Man’s lap get­ting cream applied. She feels she has some mod­els who could stand some improve­ment. Could she send a cou­ple to Our Man for behav­ior mod­i­fi­ca­tion, form­ing a mutu­ally ben­e­fi­cial sym­bi­otic relationship.

Two weeks later, Laci Star arrives for her photo shoot with Our Man. Her agent, as it hap­pens, is a woman named Vivian.


Bun Beating Fun: Vivian

Vivian” is the sec­ond video of the three-​​part Bun Beat­ing Fun series “Arial Adore,” “Vivian,” “Laci Star.”

Vivian is the expensively-​​dressed, artic­u­late and glam­orous agent who sent over “Arial Adore” among other (unnamed) models.

With Arial Adore in the cor­ner dis­play­ing her painfully red bot­tom, Vivian arrives to check up on this “chicken shit oper­a­tion” and find out if “every­thing is copacetic.”

How do you rep­re­sent them?”

I’m their agent.”

Vivian demands to know where is the model she sent over. Our Man points.


Bun Beating Fun: Arial Adore

The Bun Beat­ing Fun video “Arial Adore” car­ries a delight­ful story line through three videos — Arial Adore, Vivian, Laci Star. There’s no indi­ca­tion in the video descrip­tions that the three are con­nected. But they are, and it’s a fun story!

Bun Beat­ing Fun” is the mod­ern dig­i­tal ver­sion of Red Hot Video. All episodes are about 20 min­utes. The mem­bers site gives you access to vir­tu­ally all episodes ever made. There is also a DVD store and I think there is also a pay-​​per-​​view arrangement.

I highly rec­om­mend the Arial Adore, Vivian, Laci Star tril­ogy. Let’s get to it!


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