Resources Added

New on our Curated Resources page:

  • Count­less Web sites dis­ap­pear. The Way­back Machine has been mak­ing copies of the World Wide Web since 1996. This is a great way to find sites that have dis­ap­peared. Go to the Way­back Machine and paste the defunct site link into the box. If you’re in luck, and you prob­a­bly will be, you’ll get a cal­en­dar show­ing each of the days that The Inter­net Archive made a copy of that site. Click on a date, and enjoy that site!
  • Lay­lah Martelli wrote some of the strongest pieces ever posted online. “Along with love, phi­los­o­phy, and spir­i­tu­al­ity, there are also explicit descrip­tions of the plea­sures of brand­ing, cut­ting, beat­ing and sex. If you are offended by any of these things, please read no further.”
  • Nurse Jones, who could put up with it, or fight back, but given a choice between two evils, she always picks the one she hasn’t tried yet. Snig­ger. Clank.” These are the sto­ries and scene reports, every one of them enter­tain­ing, of that leg­endary nurse from Indiana.
  • Emo­tional and phys­i­cal safety: Excel­lent edu­ca­tional essay with a good sec­tion explain­ing After­care. The page includes many links to com­plete books on spe­cific top­ics with expla­na­tions of why that book is rel­e­vant to the reader. The page includes many links to other arti­cles online, but you may have to do google searches or access the Way­back Machine to find the arti­cles, because things move around online. “Safety and BDSM” is part two of six. Check the links at the bot­tom of Non Famous Lauren’s arti­cle for the rest of her teach­ing on BDSM: Intro­duc­tion to BDSM; Safety and BDSM; Heav­ier Aspects of BDSM; Ther­apy and Behav­ioral Mod­i­fi­ca­tion in BDSM; Part­ners and Par­ties; Tools, Toys, Techniques.

Check out our Upcom­ing Posts Cal­en­dar to the right, so you know when to come back and visit! Expect at least three updates a week through the rest of 2013.


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