The Severe Penciling

The Severe Pen­cil­ing is a true story. It might be a lit­tle hard to believe, but it is true. Take a look, and judge for yourself.

Severe Pen­cil­ing

I recently had the inter­est­ing expe­ri­ence of rid­ing in a car with Tom. The con­ver­sa­tion some­how turned to talk­ing about how totally inno­cent toys can make a woman scream. I should have known bet­ter, but I offered to be the guinea pig for this one.

I will start this by explain­ing that the day before this con­ver­sa­tion, I had been play­ing with a loopy johnny on the front of my legs and altho they weren’t marked, they were still pink and stung like crazy to touch. (Loopy Johnny is NOT a nice thing to play with LOL) Now, here I was, sit­ting trapped in the front seat of a speed­ing car, wear­ing a pair of shorts, with very ten­der legs already… and I vol­un­teered.… (yeah, dumb, I know)

First came the map. Yes, I was “mapped”. Amaz­ing what being flogged on your legs with a folded map can do! and yes, I screamed.

Then came the piece of gum. Can an inno­cent lit­tle piece of gum make a woman scream? yep.. if the end of it is slowly drug across already sting­ing legs it sure can! It was very gen­tle, very silent.. and I screamed very loudly. Yes, I was “gummed”.

At this point, I was afraid to ask what was next. Speed­ing down the road with no real toys… I was about to be flogged by the dreaded pink-​​pig beanie baby! Yikes! (It has a won­der­ful “thud” by the way) I’m not sure the beanie baby flog­ging made me scream.. we were all laugh­ing too hard by that time.

I was ready to admit that just about any­thing could make me scream and call a halt to the exper­i­ment… when he took out the hor­ri­ble plas­tic McDonald’s spoon. How awful can being “tapped” by a lit­tle plas­tic spoon be any­way? Try it some­time… Really awful sting! and yes, accom­pa­nied by screams.

Just when I was sure it was all over… it was time for the dreaded “pen­cil­ing”!!!! It wasn’t even a long pen­cil, just an inno­cent lit­tle short one… used like a tiny cane on the tops of my legs. A seri­ous pen­cil­ing… and seri­ous screams. The eraser end seemed to be the worse. I was even “erased” just a bit. OUCH!

The moral of the story? Don’t get in a car with Tom unless you are pre­pared to be “mapped”,“gummed”, “beanied”, “spooned”, and seri­ously “pen­ciled”.… unless of course you like to scream. :-)


That was her ver­sion. Now, please, read his ver­sion, so that you can learn the actual facts of the matter…

The con­ver­sa­tion “some­how” turned to talk­ing about how totally inno­cent toys can make a woman scream. By a con­ve­nient nicety of tim­ing, it was her turn to be in the front pas­sen­ger seat.

So there she was, trapped in a speed­ing car by the factory-​​installed bondage device, legs bare because she was wear­ing shorts. And the poor inno­cent prac­ti­cally invited the dis­cus­sion of cre­ative ways to make a woman scream. Surely she was safe in a mov­ing car, her bot­tom out of reach.

He had been think­ing about a post­ing he had once read, about the most fear­some imple­ment that par­tic­u­lar author had ever seen used. Some­one had pulled a straw from a broom, and pro­ceeded to com­pletely ter­ror­ize his vic­tim. The key was the mind­set, how the will­ing vic­tim per­ceived the sit­u­a­tion. The broom straw itself was noth­ing; it was all in the packaging.


Her legs remained sen­si­tive from the pre­vi­ous play. He saw this just might work. The key was in the pack­ag­ing… he slapped her with the road map. She gasped; he con­tin­ued. She squealed.

A ten-​​minute seri­ous can­ing, for her, had been no big deal, no cause to squeal or scream… but to be mapped, was seri­ous. He had indeed caught her mapping.

Still think­ing of the broom straw, he looked for the least fear­some thing he could find. He saw the pack of gum, and pulled out a sin­gle stick, still wrapped in foil.

He showed it to her, hold­ing it the same way as the map, as if to spank her legs with it. That was a bit much; she was not impressed. He then drew the cor­ner against her skin, and she screamed. He instructed her to hold still for the ongo­ing gum­ming… and she who could hold posi­tion for the cane, broke three times before the gum, squeal­ing almost continuously.

He had now cre­ated belief. And sit­ting on the dash­board was a pink-​​pig beanie baby. In other words, a single-​​tail flog­ger. It turned out to have a won­der­ful “thud”; every­one was laugh­ing too hard for her to tell if it hurt.

The laugh­ter showed he was pac­ing the scene well, for next was the lit­tle plas­tic black spoon from McDonald’s. She truly had no idea how much it would hurt. She screamed, very nearly in panic. He turned the spoon over, spank­ing as more a “cup­ping” motion. She squealed, begged, pleaded, most delightfully.

She was ready.

He pulled out an un-​​sharpened pen­cil from the junk-​​tray between the seats, show­ing her it was a Short Pen­cil, not even a full-​​size long one. He used it like a tiny cane on the tops of her legs, using the same motions he had used in that real can­ing some time before.

It was well she had endured the plas­tic spoon as warmup, for the pen­cil­ing was quite severe. No one doubted her screams were real.

To be pen­ciled, spooned, beanied, gummed, and mapped… it was all in the packaging.


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