Red Assed Lap Dancing Volume 6: Booty Smackin

I have been inside one and only one strip club in my life. It was Rick’s Cabaret on Bour­bon Street in New Orleans. I was not impressed. It was inter­est­ing watch­ing the peo­ple watch­ing the peo­ple, true… but I hardly remem­ber a thing of what went on there. It just wasn’t memorable.

By com­par­i­son, I remem­ber Bour­bon Street itself, quite well. That par­tic­u­lar evening, the street was nearly as crowded as dur­ing Mardi Gras, with the close and sticky heat of early Octo­ber. I loved it! We bought our first crook-​​handled cane there; it’s dif­fer­ent from our other canes, and car­ries a wicked bite.

I say all this to explain my bias. Strip teases and lap dances don’t do much for me. If you like those things, this video has a very pleas­ant sur­prise in store for you!

Vol­ume 6, like every Red Assed Lap Danc­ing video ever made, con­tains three seg­ments. Each seg­ment fea­tures a woman get­ting a long hard spank­ing, bare hand on bare bot­tom with steady rapid spanks.


As the story line goes, each woman thinks she’s there to do a lap dance or lin­gerie video. She doesn’t know it will turn into a long hard spank­ing, with pre­cious lit­tle sym­pa­thy from the spanker or the audience.

Of course that’s not really the case. It can’t be. The mod­els are cer­ti­fied to be over 18; there is a Cus­to­dian of Records; and so on. It’s a fan­tasy; these are actors not even pre­tend­ing to be good actors.

Instead, Greg takes the oppo­site approach, with tongue firmly planted in cheek. After a long hard spank­ing, he enjoys a cool beer, while his “vic­tim” lays on the floor and swears at him because her bot­tom is so sore. His response is to burp.

The set­ting is sleazy. It’s a Trav­elodge — but I’ve never seen a Trav­elodge that sleazy. As you can see, I’m not too impressed with the set­ting, the dia­log (there isn’t any), the atmos­phere. On the other hand, it’s so bad that it darn near qual­i­fies as High Par­ody. And, by Vol­ume 13, Greg has turned this lia­bil­ity into quite an asset.

Another reviewer notes that the third seg­ment of each video is the weak­est. Hav­ing seen four vol­umes, I must dis­agree. The third seg­ment is dif­fer­ent from the first two. I like Greg’s choice of sequencing.

What is the story line for each vol­ume? You can’t tell from the video itself. You have to go to Greg’s web­site, and read the descrip­tion. I would guess that Greg’s instruc­tions to the model are some­thing like, “Just be your­self, and do what you do best!” and the offi­cial story line gets writ­ten after the video has already been pro­duced. It works!


Our first model is Mon­ica. If you like lots of noise and thrash­ing, and to know those tears are real, you’ll surely like Stormy’s per­for­mance. We get past the strip tease quickly enough; Stormy some­how finds her­self across “our man“‘s lap, and the rest of the seg­ment is one long mer­ci­less spank­ing. Yes, grown women really do cry from hav­ing their bare bot­tom spanked.


Next comes Pammy. Like Mon­ica, Pammy can’t help but nois­ily thrash about. With Pammy, how­ever, we have a dif­fer­ent atti­tude. She’s ready to bar­gain, and gets fran­ti­cally indig­nant when her bar­gain­ing gets her noth­ing more than a brief respite.

Judg­ing by other reviews, I think Pammy’s seg­ment is the first time we have a mys­te­ri­ous eaves­drop­per. A nice-​​looking woman stands out­side the door lis­ten­ing to the spank­ing, with obvi­ous delight.

I like this touch, and it’s prob­a­bly a wise move on Greg’s part. It gives the seg­ment a whole dif­fer­ent feel. We have no idea why the woman is being spanked, other than that she’s being paid to do so. It’s a seri­ous spank­ing, and Pammy’s hav­ing a hard time of it — as did Monica.

How­ever, we now see that she’s prob­a­bly very deserv­ing — at the least, some other woman thinks so. This mys­tery woman is not at all con­cerned by how severe things have got­ten. On the con­trary, it would now seem to be a very good thing, and an assur­ance that all is right with the world.

We would, of course, like to see this mys­tery woman invited inside… but that never quite seems to hap­pen. Tease them and leave them want­ing more!


Our third seg­ment fea­tures Jen­nifer. We know from the web site that this is Jennifer’s sec­ond expe­ri­ence with Red Hot Video. Unfor­tu­nately we have no clue that this is the case from watch­ing the video itself. The setup appears to be iden­ti­cal to the first two seg­ments — which leaves me won­der­ing how real the first two seg­ments were.

Hav­ing care­fully read through the descrip­tion before pur­chas­ing the video, I did know that this was Jennifer’s return trip. It was pleas­ant to watch Jen­nifer with a very sore bot­tom, and know­ing how much more was still to come. Jen­nifer has a very dif­fer­ent “I’m being spanked” style which was pleas­ant to watch.

As videos go, the only good thing about Vol­ume 6 is the spank­ings. Unless you feel that the spank­ing is the point, you’ll be dis­ap­pointed. But if you like watch­ing one woman after another try­ing to deal with a long hard fast spank­ing with no letup… wel­come to Red Hot Video.

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