About Us

The Old Tom Archive of Can­ing and Spank­ing Stories

Can­ing and Spank­ing Sto­ries with a Dominant/​submissive Fla­vor
BDSM Resources and Essays

by Tom and Sarah

We have lost track of the num­ber of times some­one has read one of our sto­ries, and said “I want that!” It is an instinc­tive recog­ni­tion of the real thing. The sto­ries are fic­tion, but the rela­tion­ships are real. Taken as a whole, the Archive gives you an inti­mate pic­ture of what our fla­vor of “safe, sane, con­sen­sual” BDSM is all about.

Our ear­li­est sto­ries are not explic­itly D/​s sto­ries, or BDSM sto­ries. They are sim­ply about women get­ting spanked, pun­ished, for one rea­son or another.

We enjoy play­ing with canes and chains, but what we are is male dom­i­nant and female sub­mis­sive. For us, the play (mean­ing physical/​mental/​emotional BDSM inter­ac­tion) is sim­ply a tool, a means of get­ting to the desired “head space.” For us, the great­est inten­sity comes from the rela­tion­ship, from the dynamic of dom­i­nance and sub­mis­sion. Our play is aimed at the head rather than the body.

From the begin­ning, we have both used short and very-​​short sto­ries to describe and even define our rela­tion­ships. The sto­ries them­selves are a form of play. We believe it is because the sto­ries are a form of play, that they con­vey such intensity.

His­tory, Copy­right, and Permission

The Old Tom Archive began in the 1990s. We gath­ered par­tic­u­larly inter­est­ing sto­ries and essays over the years. In each case we gained explicit per­mis­sion from the author for repro­duc­ing their work on The Old Tom Archive. In 2013, as we con­vert the mate­r­ial to a newer for­mat, we have long since lost con­tact with most guest authors. The mate­r­ial remains per­ti­nent, so we con­tinue to post it with the state­ment “used with permission.”

All mate­ri­als are copy­right by old​-tom​.com or their respec­tive authors. All rights reserved; no fur­ther dis­tri­b­u­tion is permitted.

One Responseto “About Us”

  1. ruxandra says:


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    Best wishes,


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